04 Nov 2022

Last Saturday, the Year 5 and 6 FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams went to Macquarie University to compete in the 2022 FLL tournament. Teams aged from 9 - 16 years old competed in the missions of the robot game and presented innovative research projects on a solution to a renewable energy issue.
Our year 5 created a wave energy machine prototype to generate electricity when waves collide into breakwalls. Our year 6 team came up with a solution to issue of debris damaging turbines in hydropower plants by using centrifugal forces. We are so proud of both teams and are incredibly appreciative of Mrs Nicoll and Miss Mann (our STEM teachers) who have given up a tremendous amount of their personal time to support the teams. A special thank you also to Iain who has been a great mentor to both teams for the robot challenge.
Out of 34 teams, the Year 5 team finished 2nd place over all and the Year 6 team won the robot design trophy. What an incredible achievement!
The Year 5 team are now off to Nationals in December and, with the whole school behind them, we wish them all the best as they prepare and compete in Nationals.