A - F
Abbreviations & Acronyms
Schools have their own set of abbreviations that can sometimes be confusing. Here are a few commonly used terms.
DoE Department of Education
COLA Covered Outdoor Learning Area
KLA Key Learning Areas- these are the subject areas of the curriculum- English, Maths, Science and
Technology, Creative Arts, PE/Health & Personal Development
STAGES this refers to the organisation of grades across the school.
- Early Stage 1 is Kindergarten
- Stage 1 is Years 1 and 2
- Stage 2 is Years 3 and 4
- Stage 3 is Years 5 and 6
RFF this refers to Release from Face to Face teaching-
DP Deputy Principal
AP Assistant Principal
P&C Parent & Citizens is the group of parents from the school who meet twice each term to support school plans. All parents are encouraged to join the group and share input and ideas at meetings.
PSSA The Primary School Sports Association is the organising body for the competitive and representative sports offered across primary schools in NSW. From Year 3 students can particpate in PSSA sports.
Attendance at school is recorded each day, and absences must be explained. Please email the school if your child will be absent for a prolonged period due to illness, or phone if your child contracts a contagious disease. For short term absences, parents must submit an absentee form via the Audiri app or an explanatory email to the school.
Sometimes it is necessary for a child to leave school early for a family or medical appointment. In this event, children must be picked up by a parent or guardian, after receiving a "early departure " note from the school office.
If your child arrives late to school, a "late arrival" note must be obtained from the school office before the child attends their classroom.
Parents are encouraged to organise family holidays to coincide with school holidays. If leave of 4 or more days is expected, parents should apply to the Principal, and will be supplied with an "Application for Extended Leave" form to be completed and returned.
The school will work supportively with parents who have children that need support in attending school, but the parents of students who are absent from school for unexplained periods may be referred to the Department of Education and Communities Home School Liaison Officer.
Accidents, Illness & Emergencies
The school has a range of emergency plans to manage accident and emergency situations. In the case of an accident or illness it is vital that the school is able to contact by telephone the parent or guardian of every child. Parents are requested to supply the name and telephone number of another person to act on their behalf in an emergency. This is preferably someone living near the school who has a car, and who could come and collect the sick child. Please remember to keep the school up to date with both mobile phone numbers and current workplace numbers.
When a child suffers from a chronic condition such as asthma, or has an allergic condition, parents are requested to provide an annual doctor's Management Plan to the school to ensure appropriate treatment and support is given.
If students require regular medication to be administered at school, parents are requested to complete the Parent Request for Student Health Condition Support form. This can be provided by the office.
Australian National Anthem
The national anthem is an important part of the rituals of school assemblies and significant occasions.
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;
We've golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history's page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We'll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.
Assemblies are an important part of school culture. They provide opportunities to share information, acknowledge student achievement and endeavours. They are held in Stage groups on a regular basis. More formal Presentation Assemblies are held in Term 4, which parents are invited to attend.
The school has a comprehensive and successful Band Program co-ordinated by the Forestville Band Committee. Parents and teachers are members of this committee. Children can join the Training Band in Year 3 and move through to Intermediate, and onto Concert and Jazz Bands as their competency develops. Students are required to have a weekly private tutor session in addition to rehearsals.
The Band Conductors provide a wealth of professional music experience to the band program. The bands perform at a range of school and community events and participate in an annual music camp.
For more information about our Band Program, including instrument demonstrations and performance videos, please visit our website: fpspandc.com.au/band
Before and After School Care Centre
The Before and After School Care Centre is privately operated by the Y NSW on the school premises. Both the morning and afternoon sessions, in addition to vacation care, offer a fun, safe environment where children can make new friends and build their confidence outside of the classroom.
The centre provides both casual and permanent care. The centre opens at 7:00am to 9:00am in the morning, and from 3:00pm to 6.00pm in the afternoon.
For more information about The Y at FPS please click on the following link: https://forestvill-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/supporting-our-students/before-and-after-school-care.html
Bell Times
8.30am - Teachers 'on duty' in playground for supervision of students
9.00am - Bell rings to commence school day-students move to classroom assembly areas
11.00-11.25am - Recess
12.50-1.00pm - Lunch in Stage groups
1.00-1.40pm - Play period
3.00pm - End of the school day
Bikes can be ridden to school by students from Years 3-6. Parent must ensure the bikes are in sound working order and that their child wears an appropriate safety helmet. Students must 'walk' their bikes through the school grounds. Bikes can be stored in the bike racks at school near the Library.
Book Club
As part of the school's subscription to the Scholastic Book Club, a special offer is made to parents twice a term. The books offered are paperbacks and are selected with the interests and reading abilities of primary aged children. All children will receive order forms, which gives them the opportunity to buy books at less than normal retail prices. There is no membership fee and absolutely no obligation to buy. Orders are to be made via the online app 'LOOP' - parents are kept informed by the school newsletter of closing dates.
The school receives bonus vouchers from the Bookclub as commission for sales, and these books are placed in the school library for borrowing.
Bus Passes
All children in Years K-2 are entitled to free bus travel between home and school.
Once they proceed to Year 3 they must submit a new application and will only be approved to travel free if they live outside a 1.6km radius of the school. Children in Years 3-6 are only entitled to a free bus pass if they live more than 1.6km from school or outside the boundaries as designated by Forest Coaches.
Parents can apply for a bus pass online here: https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/schoolTravelPasses#/
Our school canteen " Forest Bites" is open five days a week and is compliant with the Healthy Canteen Guidelines.
Forest Bites is coordinated by the school's P&C Association and employs 2 canteen managers, who are assisted each day by parent volunteers.
Students can purchase snacks and drinks over the counter at recess and lunch (cash only).
Lunch orders can be made through the Munch Monitor website.
- School ID: Forestville
- Password: munch2087
There are three school choirs that perform at assemblies, and at a variety of community events and competitions. Students from Years 2 -6 are encouraged to participate.
2025 list of classes
K-Blue - Mrs Steggles and Mrs Broadfoot
K-Red - Mrs Hill-Mork and Mrs Meiklejohn
K-Green - Mrs Parsons and Mrs Broadfoot
1LB - Mrs Lodge and Miss Bezzina
1A - Mr Andrews
2H - Mrs Hamilton
2S - Miss Sutherland
2AH - Mrs Alison and Mrs Heindl-Wu
3M - Mrs Monk
3B - Mrs Barnier
3G - Miss Greyling
4C - Ms Costa
4Z - Mrs Zouain
4S - Miss Selwyn
5G - Mr Guzman
5I - Mrs Ingwersen
6/5L Ms Dubois
6N - Ms Norman
6D - Mr DuRoss
K-6P - Mrs Purvis
K-6H - Miss Herden
K-6E - Miss Hodgetts
Class Parents
Each year a request is made for one or two parents from each class to volunteer as the contact person for that class group of parents and carers. This involves being the liaison person between the P&C and class group. It involves the sharing of information across the group and could include the coordination of a social or fundraising activity with the group. Class parents play a valuable role as liaison between the class teacher, students and the larger parent group.
Competitions - ICAS
Our school offers students in Years 3-6 the opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools run by Educational Assessment Australia (EAA) at the University of NSW. ICAS is a comprehensive assessment program available to schools and caters for students of all abilities. Participation is optional. For information relating to ICAS competitions click on this link: ICAS
To ensure effective communication the school provides
- a fortnightly newsletter is available via the Audiri app and the Newsletter tab on this website's homepage
- the Audiri App for up to date information and alerts.
- a parent information evening held early in Term 1 to enable parents to meet the teacher and find out the class plans for the year
- formal parent teacher interviews in Term 1
- two written reports per year reflecting student progress and achievements
- parent-teacher interviews are available with classroom teachers and are best made by appointment with the teacher directly
- P&C meetings usually held twice a term
For more information regarding our Communication Procedures please click here
Community Use of School Facilities
You may apply to use our school’s facilities for appropriate purposes provided your hiring of the facility doesn't interfere with our teaching and learning programs.
We assess each application on a case-by-case basis. Find out more at NSW DOE Community Use of School Facilities
If you’re interested in hiring our facilities please contact the school office.
Crunch & Sip
'Crunch & Sip' is a time set aside mid-morning to eat fruit or vegetables and drink water to enable students to 're-fuel' assisting physical and mental performance and concentration in the classroom.
Dance is part of the Health/PD/PE program and is implemented in all stage programs. An extra performance Dance Program is run at the school in lunchtimes. These groups perform at school events, eisteddfods and other community events. The composition of these groups is assessed each year depending on interest and commitment. There is a charge to parents for a student's participation in this program.
Debating & Public Speaking
Debating is an opportunity for students to enhance their skills in public speaking, teamwork and critical and creative thinking. After participating in debating trials early in the school year, a group of students are selected. They attend weekly training sessions (held on a Thursday at lunchtime) to develop their debating skills. The students then put these skills into practice through the Premier's Debating Challenge, where they compete against other schools. Debating is an excellent activity for students who enjoy a challenge, working collaboratively with their peers and possess a willingness to persevere!
Most of us love dogs, but it is a Department of Education regulation that dogs are not allowed to be on school grounds, even if they are on a leash.
Educational & Cultural Activities
Excursions and cultural activities are a valuable part of education. Excursions are organised on a term basis and are always related to the current units of class work. In addition to planned educational excursions, there will also be cultural performances staged by visiting artists.
Traditionally in Stage 3, students have enjoyed an overnight excursion to Bathurst or Canberra, or to The Basin on Pittwater. These excursions provide a wonderful opportunity for learning as well as developing the social skills of responsibility, independence, organisation and interaction with others.
The cost for most of the activities will be included in an invoice issued each term. If payment is a problem, please mention this to the class teacher or Principal, and arrangements will be made to assist.
Emergency Procedures
As part of the Work Health and Safety practices of the school, and according to the Department of Education and Communities' guidelines, "Emergency Evacuation" and "Lock Down" drills are practised several times throughout the year.
Enrolment Procedures
Children are eligible to enrol at Forestville Public School if
- they are of school age (i.e. turn 5 years of age on, or before 31st July in that year)
- reside within the DoE determined catchment area **
Enrolment forms for both "in area" and "non-local" students are available on the Enrolment tab on this website.
** Children who are of school age but outside the local catchment are termed " non-local" enrolments. Please address the criteria in the Non-local Enrolment Submission Information in your enrolment application.
Non-local enrolments may be included in the school if
- siblings are already enrolled at the school
- a vacancy is available in the requested grade
- special circumstances
Confirmation of enrolments for non-local applicants will be advised later in the year.
Ethics classes are available in NSW public primary schools as an option for children who do not attend Special Religious Education (SRE)/Scripture.
The NSW government has authorised Primary Ethics, a not-for-profit organisation, to design curriculum and provide school communities with training and support to establish and maintain classes in their schools.
The curriculum is available for children from Kindergarten to Year 6, but the classes are subject to the availability of trained volunteer tutors.
Information provided to parents and carers of the children not enrolled in any SRE classes, at the commencement of the school year as to the availability of classes in Ethics.
At Forestville PS, parents have supported additional programs for our students. These programs include excursions, incursions and sports. Parents will receive an invoice at the beginning of each school term. Accounts can be settled in full or by instalments. Prompt payment of these accounts is vital as the school is required to pay for such costs. Failure to settle term accounts is a great financial drain on the school budget, ultimately resulting in reduced resources for all students. The State Government permits primary schools, such as Forestville, to request a voluntary P& C contribution for each student to assist with the purchase of school resources which may include classroom resources, digital media and playground improvements.