Forestville Public School

Students aim high, give it a go and encourage others

Telephone02 9452 5444

M - R

Map of School

2025 FPS Site Map


If your child requires medication whilst at school please complete Parent Request for Support at School of a Student's Health Condition and give to the school office. Alternatively, please contact the school office to request the form be emailed to you, or come into the office to complete the paperwork in person. 

Mobile phone and smart watch policy

Please read our school's 'mobile phone and smart watch policy', so you are aware of our rules for student use of mobile phones and smart watches in the school.


The school has an established music program. A specialist music teacher takes each class weekly. Visiting performances and musical experiences complement this program. The school's band, choir and strings programs provide excellent opportunities for talented students.

National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Students in all schools in Years 3 and 5 participate in NAPLAN. The series of four tests is held in May each year, with results being sent to parents and the school in September.

Parents can access a website for ‘Frequently Asked Questions' about the National Assessment Program at


Our newsletter is published on Tuesday each fortnight of the school term and is an important source of information for all families. Distribution is by FPS Audiri app and posted on this website under the Newsletter tab. 

Parent Involvement

Education is most effective when it is seen as a responsibility shared between the home and the school. At Forestville Public School we encourage active participation of our parent and community body in a number of ways:

  • assisting in the classroom with group work
  • assisting students with reading or numeracy
  • participating in KLA programs, such as Gardening Club
  • assisting with sport practice
  • assisting with supervision while on excursions
  • volunteering in the canteen or P & C committees

All parent volunteers must complete Declaration for child-related workers paperwork and supply photo identification to the school office. 

Parent Teacher Liaison

Parents are always welcome at the school and members of staff are happy to meet them to discuss student progress or any particular issue concerning their child. It is always advisable that when parents wish to see a particular teacher, they make an appointment to ensure teacher availability.


Due to the safety of the children, parents are requested not to enter the school property in their vehicles. If parents are working on a volunteer basis at the school or collecting children from school, the most convenient parking area is the Forestville shops or Melwood Ave, where ample parking is available.


A professional school photographer visits the school each year to take class and individual student photos. Sports teams, band groups, choir groups and dance groups photographs are also taken. Parents have the choice to purchase school photographs.

Recording school events and achievements are a part of school life. Photos and movies are taken as part of many teaching activities and can be utilised for school promotion within the school community, and occasionally for publicity outside the school. Only first names of students are used to maintain student privacy on these occasions.

Each year parents permission is sought to support the inclusion of their child in photographs.


The Primary Schools Sporting Association (PSSA) is an organised competition offered to students in Years 3 to 6 in order for them to gain the experience of high leveled competitive sport. There are more students wanting to play in PSSA team sports than there are positions in the various teams. As a result, schools have to go through a selection 'tryout' process. Forestville is in the Warringah Zone which includes the following schools: Kambora, Mimosa, Terrey Hills, Killarney Heights, Belrose, Wakehurst, Allambie Heights and Frenchs Forest . The games are played on a 'home and away' basis.

There are three seasons; Summer Cycle, separate competitions in term 1 and 4,  and the Winter Cycle across terms 2 and 3.

The summer sports offered are; cricket, eagle tag, tee ball and softball.

The winter sports offered are; AFL, soccer and netball.

As a school we have at least two tryouts for each sport where possible and inform the students prior to each tryout. Due to weather restrictions this can be informed to students as late as the day before tryouts, however we do try to inform in advance. These tryouts are usually during the first few weeks of Term 1 and 4 for the summer sports and the first few weeks in Term 2 for the winter sports.

During the tryouts, the students are asked to demonstrate their skill, sportsmanship and willingness to learn. The teachers set a variety of drills to ensure that they observe the students in game-like situations.

Once the team has been selected, the teacher will display the successful student names on his/her classroom door for students to check. Training is at 8:00 am or 8:15 am Friday mornings at school or Melwood Oval. All students are to meet at school.

It's important to note that the teachers who coach these teams dedicate a considerable amount of time and energy to ensure the success of the PSSA program. They do so with no extra pay or conditions and are passionate about teaching students the skills and strategies to engage competitively in the chosen sports. We look forward to a great year of sporting achievements.


Religious Instruction

View information about Special Religious Instruction (SRE) and Special Education in Ethics (SEE) under the Learning at our school tab on our website or click here: