Forestville Public School

Students aim high, give it a go and encourage others

Telephone02 9452 5444

G - L

Gardening Club

Gardening Club is held once a week during first half lunch after eating (maybe once a fortnight in winter). Date to be decided. The gardeners are called 'Forestville Farmers'. 

Students prepare garden beds, plant seeds and seedling and care for them during their growth - watering, feeding, weeding, putting down straw. Students are provided with knowledge about growing and maintaining vegetable plants. They also get to enjoy the 'fruits of their labour'. There are also other one off activities such as planting native trees/shrubs etc throughout the year. 

There is no obligation to attend every week - no roll is taken but it is understood that if you have not attended most weeks, you cannot eat the produce.

Guitar Group

Guitar Group aims to create opportunities for students learning guitar, to play fun songs together as a group via a weekly rehearsal. There will be different levels of experience in the group and students will be playing according to their ability under the direction of an experienced teacher/conductor.

Students are required to have a weekly private tutor session in addition to rehearsals.

For more information about our Guitar Program, please visit our website:

Head Lice

To minimise the occurrence of head lice parents are asked to check their child's hair regularly. Information for parents relating to head lice can be obtained from the following link: NSW Health Head Lice


Regular homework is set to enable students to consolidate or expand on classroom learning, and develop home study skills. Classroom teachers outline the homework schedule and expectations in the Parent-Teacher Information sessions at the beginning of the year. It is highly recommended that parents and carers read to and with their child as often as possible.


Students are placed into four houses which underpin sport and other organisational activities at school. We endevour to place siblings in the same house. 

The four houses are :

Sturt - Yellow              Cook - Red              Wentworth - Green        Flinders - Blue


If a child becomes ill at school the child will be taken to the Sick Bay, located in the main administration block, and depending upon the seriousness of the illness the child's parent will be contacted immediately.

Should your child require special attention or have special needs concerning their health, it is important that both the child's teacher and the school office be informed.

For children with severe allergies and/or asthma, a health care plan signed by the child's GP needs to be provided to the school and renewed each year.

If medication is required to be dispensed during school hours, parents/carers need to complete the Administering Prescribed Medication to Students form, which is available at the office or on the Audiri app.

Students are generally not permitted to carry or store medication in their bags.


All children who enrol in Kindergarten will need to have a Certificate of Immunisation before commencing school. Students without this certificate may be excluded from school during the outbreak of any communicable disease.

Infectious Diseases

For information on infectious diseases which may require you to keep your child away from school to prevent the spread of infection refer to the following website: NSW Health Infectious Diseases

Below are some of the fact sheets about particular infectious diseases published by NSW Health:


Hand Foot and Mouth




Parvovirus B19 (Fifth Disease)

Rubella (German Measles)


Viral Gastroenteritis

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)


The school has a strict internet usage policy to ensure student's use the internet responsibly. Non-compliance with this policy may result in loss of access for a period of time. Parents will be informed if this action needs to be implemented.

Learning Support

There is a long history of support and inclusion at Forestville. We are committed to providing quality programs which help students in need of additional support of learning and behaviour at our school. 

More detailed information on learning support at Forestville can be found here


Our school has a well-resourced library with a range of fiction and non-fiction books, and digital resources. Students engage in weekly library lessons and are requested to utilise a library bag when borrowing books. The library is open at lunchtimes.

Life Education

The Life Education Van visits our school annually. Students will participate in the program throughout each stage of their primary schooling. Life Education assists students to acquire age appropriate knowledge to support informed health choices, develop and practice skills and strategies to act upon individual decisions and recognise the values and attitudes that may influence lifestyle choices and behaviours. Highly skilled educators, utilise their experience and training, work with schools to develop programs/sessions to support the provision of drug and health education within the school. Sessions are designed to be age specific and sequential. For more information relating to Life Education click on this link: Life Education

Lost Property

To minimise the occurrence of lost property please make sure that all items are named clearly. Lost property is located under the awning of N Block. Please check here regularly for belongings.