At Forestville, each class has a class parent (or two). Being a class parent is a very rewarding role. Apart from the smile that lights up your child's face when they see you lending a helping hand, it also helps you meet other parents and get to know your child's teacher. And it's not a task you need to tackle alone - there is often more than one Class Parent per class, and the role can be shared very effectively. This can be done on a job-share basis, or term by term basis - any help you are able to give, will always be greatly appreciated. Some tasks that class parents might undertake are listed below:
- Compile a class list of names, addresses, emails and phone numbers - for distribution only as a contact list and with each parent's permission.
- Organise parent social functions within the class, maybe one per term. These functions enable parents to meet each other and can be particularly beneficial to new parents.
- Be available to other parents within the class before or after school on at least a couple of days each week.
- Provide an avenue for expression of parent's ideas for the P&C – ie: regularly talk with parents of your class and actively ask for their ideas and suggestions. Bring these to P&C meetings as necessary
- Co-ordinate crises assistance with other parents in your class – eg: a meal during family illness, collection of kids in an emergency etc.
- Co-ordinate class gift and card with other parents for new babies born into class families.
- To be a contact person for the P&C and help co-ordinate parent helpers for parent/grandparent/family friend events such as Education Week events, reading parties, Christmas concert etc.